
The library is considered to be the “heart” of any college. The college has a well-equiped library with more than 5581 volumes on its racks. The collection includes Textbooks, Reference books, Sourcebooks, Encyclopedia/Dictionaries, Subject Encyclopedias, and School textbooks. The collection comprises of books on core subject, method subject and optional subject are available in English, Kannada and Urdu medium. The library has subscribed for more than 25 educational journals, periodical, and magazines which are of immense use to students as well as teachers.
Facilities are available in the college to Xerox material from the library. Four books are issued at a time to each student for a period of one week besides the facilities of a library ; the college has section for book banks. These books will be issued to the student for a full academic year, with the permission of the principal. The library is open on all working days between 10 A.M to 6.00 P.M books in greater demand are listed by the librarian and will be issued for two days only. The library has a seating capacity of 50 students.
TOTAL AREA | 1000 sq.ft |
Library Department consist the following staff one Librarian with one Library Assistant and One Attender. Library is well placed in big hall measuring 1000sq.ft, equipped with sufficient number of tube lights and hygienic well ventilated natural light and fresh air in abundance. Reading tables and chairs are systematically arranged to accumulate 50 students at a time.
- Expansion of Knowledge.
- Develop the values among students by reading.
- To know the recent developments through journals & magazine.
- To solve the problems of educational researchers through the research report, Articles, and books.
- To develop a positive attitude to do the work.
- To keep students and teachers up to date.
The library department consists of the following staff.
- Smt. F.A. KAZI –Librarian.
- Smt. S.H. Inamdar –Library Assistant.
- Shri. S.A.Bhori—-Attender.
The library has a remarkable collection of books other documents about 5581 covering the whole range of text and reference books on education and its allied subject Kannada and English medium. A separate collection index is given herewith to show the range of books at a different subject in general education in particular.
List Of Books
Sl. No | Title of the subject | Number of Books |
1 | Philosophical and Sociological Foundation of Education | 363 |
2 | Educatiion in Emerging india | 251 |
3 | Educational Psychology and Motivation Personality | 484 |
4 | Educational Technology | 247 |
5 | School Administration And Organisation | 238 |
6 | Skills &Strategies and curriculum & Evaluation | 200 |
7 | Method books: kannada,English,Hindi,Mathematics, ,Science,History,Geography,Urdu. | 1360 |
8 | Optional Subject :Computer Education ,Adult Education,Population Education ,Environmental Education,Physical Education,Action Research,Guidance & Counselling in School. | 413 |
9 | Encyclopaedias ,General & Subject | 63 |
10 | Dictionaries ,General & Subject | 69 |
11 | Text Books | 647 |
12 | Reference Books | 415 |
13 | Other Books {General} | 811 |
Total Number of Books | 5581 |
Sl. No | Name of the Journals | Periodicity |
1 | University News | Weekly |
2 | Teacher Support | Monthly |
3 | School Science | Quarterly |
4 | The Primary Teacher | Quarterly |
5 | Journal of Indian Education | Quarterly |
6 | Indian Journal Of psychometry and Education | Bi-Annual |
7 | Indian Educational Review | Bi-Annual |
8 | School :Unique journal of science | Monthly |
9 | EDUTRACKS | Monthly |
10 | Perspectives in Education | Quarterly |
11 | Quest in Education | Quarterly |
12 | Dharwad Journal of Educational Research | Quarterly |
13 | St.Anns Journal of Education | |
14 | Karnantaka university Bulletain | Monthly |
15 | Anweshika | Halfyearly |
16 | Vignyan Sangati | Monthly |
17 | Jeevnadi | Monthly |
18 | Diksuchi | Monthly |
19 | VivekPrabha | Monthly |
20 | Shikshan Varte | Monthly |
21 | Compitetive success Review | Monthly |
22 | Education World | Monthly |
23 | Science Reporter | Monthly |
24 | Dimensions of Education | Quarterly |
1 | Women’s Eara | Monthly | English |
2 | Grahashobha | Monthly | Kannada |
3 | Sudha | Monthly | Kannada |
4 | Science Ki Dunniyan | Monthly | Udru |
Books are classified broadly according to the Dewey Decimal Classification System. Books on the different subjects are neatly placed in more than 16racks. Further, the arrangement of shelves is according to the array of the subject as appear in the syllabus. However, books on Kannada and English medium are kept separately.
The special feature of the library is its OPEN ACCESS SYSTEM, where books are brought very close to the reader with the result staff and students will be having easy accessibility to find their choice of books on the shelves without any interference. Though open access will necessitate greater care and responsibility for the part of the library staff. This system is opted for a library, the reading habits of the students and restore their lives for books.
- Teaching Staff members will be issued about 15 books.
- Students will be issued 3 books in the book bank.
- 4 books in the general subject.
- Selected teaching aid books will be issued for 8 days during teaching practice lessons.
- Reports and Educational journals will be given for home reference and special requirements.
- BEd, Education question paper bank is set up. The question paper in all subjects has been preserved for reference.
- TEACHING AID COLLECTION—In the form of pictorial books illustrated information on science, charts on teaching subjects. Photographers of important personalities in history, literature is available to students for their use.
- COMPUTER AND XEROX SERVICE. The library is equipped with a computer and installed with library software and also Internet facilities are available. Xerox facilities are available to the students and staff and the charges are fixed by the college from time to time.
- Strict silence and decorum should be observed in the library.
- No person shall commit any nuisance and partake refreshment inside the library.
- No west papers shall be thrown on the floor of the library.
- Spiting, smoking and eating, chits are strictly prohibited.
- Books are to be returned without fail on or before the due date.
- Books renewal on request would be at the discretion of the librarian.
- All students are strictly advised to keep silent in the library.
- Tearing pages, marking folding the pages or writing and damaging the book. This will be seriously viewed.
- Every reader who loses the book must report to the Librarian immediately and he/she will be given one week’s time for finding and return the book. In case he fails to return the book after one week from the date of reporting, he/or she will be charged a fine of Rs.5/-per day per book till he replaces with the new book of the same title and other case he cannot replace the book of the same titles then he/she shall have to pay FOUR-TIME the cost of the books.